
Showing posts from March, 2021


Introduction Figure 1: This picture is a screenshot from the official Time's Up "About" page.   The #TimesUp movement was announced on January 1, 2018 through an article in the New York Times as a direct response to the sexual harassment present in Hollywood and other work places that was brought  to light by the Harvey Weinstein case and the growing popularity of the #MeToo movement. It was  launched by 300 prominent actresses, producers, directors, screenwriters, etc. with the goal of making the  workplace a safe space for all women regardless of age, financial status, racial identity. #TimesUp aims to take the next steps in eliminating gender inequity and sexual harassment through social media activism, a  legal defense fund designated to help protect women who report harassment in their workplaces,  introducing legislation to combat the issue, work with Hollywood agencies and production companies to  hire more women, and use red carpet events l...